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projet pour la france
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12 novembre 2016

les saussiflards sont totalement incompetents


quoique fasse les abrutis du ps et la bande de clown de holalnde pedalo 1er on peut etre sur que ca sert a rien et que ca coute une fortune

degage grosse merde molle holalnde t es pas un francais tu represente spas la france

11 novembre 2016

pour ceux qui critique trump

l administration clinton et obama a armé daech ... z4GUgUfkzT

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton.

Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

Clinton has repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.

WikiLeaks is about to prove Hillary Clinton deserves to be arrested:

The Reagan administration officials hoped to secure the release of several U.S. hostages, and then take proceeds from the arms sales to Iran, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.
Sounds familiar?

In Obama’s second term, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton authorized the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood, and friendly to the Libyan rebels, in an effort to topple the Libyan/Gaddafi government, and then ship those arms to Syria in order to fund Al Qaeda, and topple Assad in Syria.

Clinton took the lead role in organizing the so-called “Friends of Syria” (aka Al Qaeda/ISIS) to back the CIA-led insurgency for regime change in Syria.

Under oath Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.

In an interview with Democracy Now, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is now stating that 1,700 emails contained in the Clinton cache directly connect Hillary to Libya to Syria, and directly to Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Via The Duran

Here is the incredible transcript:

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Julian, I want to mention something else. In March, you launched a searchable archive for over 30,000 emails and email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state. The 50,547 pages of documents span the time from June 2010 to August 2014; 7,500 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton herself. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the U.S. State Department as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request. Why did you do this, and what’s the importance, from your perspective, of being able to create a searchable base?
JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, WikiLeaks has become the rebel library of Alexandria. It is the single most significant collection of information that doesn’t exist elsewhere, in a searchable, accessible, citable form, about how modern institutions actually behave. And it’s gone on to set people free from prison, where documents have been used in their court cases; hold the CIA accountable for renditions programs; feed into election cycles, which have resulted in the termination of, in some case—or contributed to the termination of governments, in some cases, taken the heads of intelligence agencies, ministers of defense and so on. So, you know, our civilizations can only be as good as our knowledge of what our civilisation is. We can’t possibly hope to reform that which we do not understand.

So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.
9 novembre 2016

tous des bouffons sauf une


projet pour la france trump usa

9 novembre 2016

et on paye et on paye

zero immigration et expulsion des sans papiers et suppressions des droits civiques pour ceux qui les protegent


9 novembre 2016

mort de rire les sondages et les merdias

usa trump projet pour la france

7 novembre 2016

Des réformes à venir "difficiles" mais "nécessaires", prévient Juppé ... fefff23826

en gros il va pas toucher aux privileges de ces petits copains sénateurs députés le medef  par contre le francais moyen lui va raquer dur
sincerement faut etre maso pour voter pour une telle merde :roll: y en a qui donne vraiement le baton pour se faire battre.

6 novembre 2016

Sarkozy voudrait que les chefs d'entreprise puissent interdire tout signe religieux

100% d'accord avec lui

chez sarko seulement deux trucs bien

ca et la suppresion des iufm nids à pedagogo inutiles et couteux

4 novembre 2016

l immigration est une menace

l'immigration ca rempli les prisons ca coute une fortune

d ou la necessite de tondre et passer au crochet a boucher les collabos de l umps les jugeottes collabo les tiers mondistes les collabo du medef responsable de ce desastre


moi je vais utiliser methode mao nationalisation de tous les biens des collabos qui seront loger dans hlm à immigres

pas de pitie pas de quartier pour le collabo

et sortons de l europe et de l otan

3 novembre 2016

moins de touriste a paris lol

c est sale y a plus de francais on vous arnaque tous les 100 metres c est crade couvert d'immonde tag et cerise sur le gateau c est hyper cher

les touristes sont pas maso ma cher hidalgogotte

Source: Externe

en ce qui me concerne je n'y met plus les pieds car:

prix billet tgv quadruples en 5 ans avant j avais un allé retour pour 30€ et un tgv a 21h30 pour profite journée maintenant minimum 70€ et tgv a 19h.....

avant j avais un hotel a 40€ la nuit pres grand magazins maintenant racheter par chaine etrangere et 100€ la nuit

un autre hotel a 70€ avec amenagment handicapé prix passé à 110€

bref pour meme pas trois jours a paris et bouffer de la merde  maintenant ca me paye 1 semaine hotel a la campagne avec super bouffe jacuzzi.....

je pense pas qu un abruti du ps  et des parigos qui petent plus haut que leur cul peuvent comprendre ca  le tourisme n a pas fini de baisser.

3 novembre 2016

délinquance et immigration


et encore si on tient compte de ceux qui sont d'origine marocaine mais pas compatibilisé le chiffre doit etre 4 fois plus elevé

immigration = délinquance c est tout

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projet pour la france
  • projet pour la france, politique pour la france, make France great again présidentielle : décroissance,zéro immigration,,semaine de 4 jours, moins de vitesse plus de temps libre,sortir de l'agriculture productiviste,en finir avec les juges laxiste
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